Nik collection silver efex pro
Nik collection silver efex pro

This means you can make corrections or apply a rendering to the image, which you can modify as you wish, after saving and even after closing the applications. In Photoshop, a dynamic object* is a layer that includes the original image to ensure a non-destructive and reversible workflow, all Nik Collection plugins are compatible with this (except Nik Perspective). Image: Chris Gorman Return to Photoshop Converting to a smart object Fusion and then processing in HDR Efex Pro 2. ** For more information on the contents and options of the HDR Merge dialog box, see the Merging Images page in the HDR Efex Pro 2 chapter. * Smart Objects are not available in Photoshop Elements.

  • The image processed in HDR Efex Pro 2 is displayed in Photoshop.
  • Once you have finished processing, click OK.
  • The images are merged, and the HDR image opens in HDR Efex Pro 2.
  • nik collection silver efex pro

  • After selecting the options you need, click Create HDR.
  • The dialog box for creating HDR files** opens.
  • If you wish to switch to a reversible workflow, check Create smart object* (a dynamic object).
  • The Add Open Files button lets you select images already opened in Photoshop.
  • To remove an image from the list, click on the file name then click Delete.
  • nik collection silver efex pro

  • The Efex Pro 2 HDR dialog box displays the list of selected images.
  • Find and select the images you want to merge, then click OK.
  • HDR Efex Pro 2 opens, along with a dialog to select images.
  • Go to the File menu, then go to the Automate sub-menu.
  • HDR Efex Pro 2, which offers image merging, is special because you don’t need to have the images already open in Photoshop*: This section applies to HDR Efex Pro 2, it will be updated to reflect Nik 6 HDR Efex which will be released with the August 2023 update to the Nik Collection 6. Processed photo returned to Photoshop Launching HDR Efex Pro 2 Processing in Nik Collection (Nik Silver Efex). Access to the Nik Collection from the Photoshop filter menu. See the Workflow chapter in the pages of the associated programs. You can also process your images in the Nik Collection through Photoshop from your host application, such as DxO PhotoLab or Adobe Lightroom Classic. * This procedure applies to both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.
  • Save or Save As (to create another file), then exit Photoshop.
  • Your processed image is displayed in Photoshop.
  • nik collection silver efex pro

    The plugin applies processing and then closes.Perform your processing and corrections.The image will open in the selected plugin.Select one of the Nik Collection plugins.Go to the Filter menu, then go to the Nik Collection sub-menu.Opening an image in the Nik Collection from the Filter menu In Photoshop, there are several ways to access the Nik Collection plugins, starting with the Filter menu, then the reversible workflow with smart objects and filters, and finally the special case of HDR Efex Pro 2.

    Nik collection silver efex pro