Launch your installer software and click ‘’Install Client.’’.Select ‘’Latest’’ or ‘’Recommended.’’ The latest version often isn’t fully tested, so we advise selecting the Recommended version.Go to the Forge download site and select a version for your operating system and Minecraft version.The ‘’Play’’ button in the main menu should now have an arrow beside it.The recommended value is half of your RAM storage, but you can choose to set it at a quarter or any other value. In the text box beside ‘’JVM Arguments,’’ look for “1G.” Change it to another value depending on your RAM size.In the left sidebar, shift the toggle button next to ‘’JVM Arguments.’’.From the dropdown menu, choose the version of the game you have installed.Shift the toggle button beside Advanced Settings to the ‘’On’’ position.Open Minecraft Launcher, then navigate to the ‘’Launch Options’’ menu.Follow the steps below to install Forge without issues: To download Minecraft Forge, you have to prepare the Minecraft Launcher first. If you’d like to try out mods for Minecraft, Forge is the first thing you should download – and we’re here to explain how to do it.