Time passes, and eventually he and his crew have sailed far beyond any known lands and are in uncharted waters, but Alexander refuses to give up hope.

Prince Alexander is still haunted by memories of the lovely Princess of the Green Isles (see KQ5), and when the magic mirror shows him her whereabouts, he sets out to find her at once, with only the stars for navigation. The CD-ROM version of the game includes both DOS and Windows versions, full speech, a 50-meg introduction, and the Girl in the Tower theme song. Like its predecessor, actions are performed using a point-and-click interface.

There are many alternate paths you can take, as well as different endings you can watch. To successfully help him, he must travel between the Land's four islands and encounter strange beasts that will either help or hinder him. In King's Quest VI, you play the role of Prince Alexander, as he desperately searches for Princess Cassima of the Land of the Green Isles, who is being held against her will by her captor, Vizier Abdul Alhazred.